日本語 |
A Professional organization with over 4.000 members dediCated to the improvement
of language learning and teaching'
A vehicle for the exchange of ideas cnd techniques about language education.
A resource center for information on study programs and job opportunities.
Affiliated with other organizations such as TESOL (Teachers of English
to Speakers of Other Languages), IATEFL flnternational Association of Teachers
of English as a Foreign Language). The Japan Science Council. The Japan
Association for Improving English Education. TESOL Korea, TESL Canada,
Thai TESOL. California TESOL. and the Associoiion for Japan Exchange and
Teaching (AJET) Program.
@teach a foreign language in Japan or abroad
@teach Japonese os a second language
@are interested in language research
@want new ideas for your classroom
@would like to learn more about cross-cultural research
@run a foreign langugage school
@train other language teachers
JALT has something for you!
JALT members come from diverse backgrounds. Although a majority teach English,
many are students and teachers of other languages. JATL members range from
preschool instructors to graduate school professors, from individuals who
have just begun their teaching careers fo veterans with extensive experience.
At this time a majiority of JALT members live in Japan, but more and more
people from other countries are ioining JALT to network with other language
educators and receive its outstanding publications.
In Japan --
(1)go to any post office and request a postal transfer form (yubin furikae).
This form is also available on the back page of any issue of The Language
(2)remit the correct amount to the JALT Postal Account (Yokohama 00290-1-70903)
(3)be sure to indicate your complete mailing address, phone, and fax, and
the type of membership you are applying for.
(4)the Cental Office will process your application within two weeks and
you will start receiving JALT publications within six weeks.
NOTE: You can also join at any local JALT chapter. Come to any of the JALT-Gunma
monthly meetings, Summer Workshop, or Christmas Party, and you can make
an on-site registration right away. The membership chair will help you
with the application. For information about other chapters near you, call
the Central Office.
Outside of Japan --
(1)Mail an international money order in Japanese yen for the appropriate
amount directly to the JALT Central Office.
(2) Indicate your complete mailing address,phone, fax, and type of membership
you want.
Membership options
Regular member:
10,000 yen
Five-year membership: 40,000 yen
Joint member (2 people who share the same address): 8,500 yen per
Student member: 6,000 yen
Group member: (6,500 yen per person for a group of 5 or more; one
of each publication is sent to the group address)
As above-mentioned members of JALT you:
*Receive JALT's monthly magazine, The Language Teacher, including feature
articles, teaching tips, reviews, meeting and conference announcements, and
job advertisements.
*Receive the JALT Journal, containing practical and theoretical articles and
research reports.
*Receive discounts on registration fees for the annual national conference,
as well as advance conference information.
*Can attend Gunma chapter meetings for free.
JALT Gunma Local Membership Option
For an annual payment of 4,000 yen you may become a local member of JALT Gunma.
You will be part of the JALT Gunma teaching community and will be able to
exchange your ideas with other teachers in JALT Gunma. Annual local members of
JALT Gunma will receive an official JALT membership card.
However, they will not receive any of the normal benefits associated with
national membership except the right to attend monthly meetings for free.
(See above). Local members may subscribe to SIGs and receive their publications
by contacting the SIGs directly.
Other options
*Subscription to JALT publications: 8,000 yen
*Special Interest Groups (SIGs): 1,500 yen each (open to JALT members).
Currently, free membership in one SIG is available for regular, five-year, and
joint memberships. This free SIG offer is open until April, 2006.
In Japan --
Regular membership: 10,000 yen
Student membership: 6,000 yen (mail proof of student status to the JALT Office with application)
Joint membership: 17,000 yen (for two people who share the same address)
Group membership: 6,500 yen/person (for five or more people sharing the
same address)
N-SIG: 1,500 yen/each
Outside of Japan --
Regular membership with publicaitons vis surface mail: 10,500 yen
Regular membership with publications via air mail to these locations:
(Bank charge included)
Membership in any National Special Interest Group is available to JALT members for 1,500 yen per N-SIG.