Final Assignment

Writing a mock research paper

Deadline for the first draft: to be announced on Moodle or by the teacher
Deadline for the final product: approximately two weeks after the first-draft deadline


You are going to write a mock research paper of 4 to 5 pages in English. It should be of some relation to your actual research field. You can rewrite an existing Japanese paper of your own in English, or you can start writing a new paper. The content of the paper does not have to be real, i.e., you can make up an imaginary research project.  Please note that your paper must conform to the style sheet or the author guidelines that you already submitted. Also be reminded that you must have your paper checked by me at least once by the set deadline (deadline for the first draft) before you turn in your final and refined paper.

The first step is to think of a research question. An example may be,"At what temperature would a concrete block start to melt down?"

The next step is to turn your research question into an operational hypothesis, for example, "An 8x12 concrete bloc starts to melt down at 850 degrees F."

Then you formulate your reserch purpose such as "The purpose of this paper is to investigate the fusion point of ordinary concrete blocks used for construction work in Japan."

After that you can think up a good title of your paper, which goes something like "The fusion point of a concrete block."

Finally, you are going to prove the hypothesis (or disprove the null-hypothesis) by experiment results or by logical and constructive arguments. 


Your paper must contain the following sections.

1. Title

2. Author information
(Include affiliation.)

3. Abstract of 100 words

4. Keywords

5. Introduction
(This should  include the purpose of research, and, hopefully, a hypothesis to prove.)

6. Methods
(This could be included in your introduction if you want)

7. Experiment/discussion
(If your research is experiment-based, describe the procedure. If your research is NOT based on an experiment, you can develop a discussion on the issue in question.)

8. Results and analysis
(If your research is not experiment-based, this section is optional.)

9. Conclusion

10. References
(You should list at least three original sources of information. Of course, these sources must be mentioned in the body of the paper. Consult the style sheet well for the required format.)

Good luck and have a nice holiday!