Plagiarism, Citation, and Referencing

剽窃 (Plagiarism)


引用 (Citation)


  Francis Britto (2002) は引用の種類とその程度について以下の表のような指針を示しています。

論旨 言葉 引用符 文中の参照情報 稿末の引用文献項目立て 大学1年の論文 修士論文
直接引用 他人 他人 必須 必須 必須 10〜15% 5〜10%
概要報告(Summary) 他人 自分 不要 必須 必須 65〜70% 35〜45%
言い換え(Paraphrase) 他人 自分、しかし構成は原典通り 不要 必須 必須 65〜70% 35〜45%
独自文章 自分 自分 不要 不要 不要 15〜20% 50%

Ideas and Words in a Research Paper (C) Francis Britto, 2001. (Japanese translation by the author)


  他人の研究業績を参考にした場合には必ず稿末に「引用文献」を挙げ、その人たちにクレジットを与えることが慣例となっています。日本ではいままで伝統的に「参考文献」として自分が論文を書くのに参考になったと思われる本や論文をいくつも選んでアイウエオ順に並べる、という慣例がありましたが、現代では世界的に科学論文ではそういう一般的な「参考文献 (Bibliography)」ではなく、自分の論文の文中に実際に引用したものだけを載せる「引用文献 (References)」のスタイルが浸透しています。引用文献のスタイルは各学会、ジャーナル等で異なっていますので、論文を書く前に自分が投稿する学会やジャーナルのスタイルシート(Style Sheet)やオーサーガイドライン(Author Guidelines)を調べてそのスタイルに合致したものに仕上げないとせっかくの論文が却下されてしまう場合もあります。十分に注意して下さい。




Introduction of English Lessons into Japanese Elementary Schools

                                                        997645 Taro Yamada

The Education Ministry of Japan decided to allow English to be taught in elementary schools as of 2002, when a new school curriculum guideline is scheduled to be implemented.

Some are doubtful of its worth. Yoshiko Mizutani argues in Rondan (Asahi Shinbun, September 16, p.4, 2000) that it may create inequality among students in Japan, for the adoption of such English classes is totally left to the discretion of each school. She wonders "how the state could justify a policy which may create inequality of educational opportunities among pupils." (English translation provided by Yamada) Carol Gluck of NewsWeek Japan expresses another opposition "... that English be mastered only by those who need it in their work, while the rest concentrate on mastering their own language, a task that is difficult enough in itself." <wysiwyg://64/>.

According to Tom Merner,
a co-author of Monbusho Practical Handbook for Elementary School English Activities, it is not a good idea to make English a subjet to learn in Elementary school. (Lecture at Gunma Prefectural College of Health Science, January 27, 2002) Gregory Clark also claims English should be taught anew in the university level, saying " ... full-fledged English education should be provided at the university level, when students have clear goals and motivation."<> (underline added by the author).

Keiko Abe, however, believes primary school English is worthwhile, and she calls for a better overall review of the English education system in Japan as follows:
"The transition from primary school to middle school is important and there must be a more comprehensive educational framework spanning primary school levels to college levels. I think primary and middle school levels should be very closely linked."
-- Language Lab, The Daily Yomiuri, May 15, p.7, 2000

Luc Pham (cited in <>)also reports that English teaching with the Natural Approach made a significant difference in the language development of many non-native primary-level students in Salt Lake City. (English paraphrasing provided by Yamada)

In conclusion, I think English should be taught at primary level as I have found many researchers and linguists agree that the earlier is the better for a child to start learning a second language.


Britto, F. 2002. Teaching about Pagiarism to Japanese Students. Handout presented at JALT 2002.