Hideto's Writing Trainer
Let's practice writing about YOURSELF.
Please try to introduce yourslf in English by following the guidelines
below. You just simply answer each question and put them all together.
You will have a nice and brief selfintroduction at the end. Type an answer
into the box provided and then pull down the drop-down box to see some
of the possible ways to answer the question. You can also consult a dictionary
by pressing the button below. Enjoy writing!
1 What is your name?
Type your answer in this box. If you need help, look for some possible
If your name is Akagi Taro, then you can introduce your
name as
My name is Taro Akagi.
I'm Taro Akagi
People call me Taro. (informal)
Taro Akagi, that's who I am. (informal)
2 Where are you from?
Type your answer in this box. If you need help, look for some possible
To clear the box, press this button:
If you are a native of Maebashi,
I'm from Maebashi, Gunma.
I come from Maebashi.
I'm originally from Maebashi, but I live in Takasaki now.
I'm homegrown. (informal)
3 Where do you go to school?
Type your answer in this box. If you need help, look for some possible
To clear the box, press this button:
If you are a student at Maebashi Institute of Technology,
I go to Maebashi Institute of Technology.
I'm a student at Maebashi Institute of Technology.
I study at Maebashi Institute of Technology.
I'm at Maebit (MIT).
4 What's your major? (Major
= your main study in college) A
list of majors .
Type your answer in this box. If you need help, look for some possible
To clear the box, press this button:
If you mainly study Architecture,
I'm majoring in architecture.
My major is architecture.
I specialize in architechtural designs.
I belong to the architechture department.
I'm with the department of architecture in the faculty of engineering.
5 What year are you in?
Put a check in the appropriate box.
1st year
2nd year
3rd year
4th year
To clear these boxes, press this button:
Then write it in a sentence.
To clear these boxes, press this button:
If you are in the year 1-4 in college,
I'm a freshman. (I'm a first-year student.)
I'm in the sophomore year.(I'm a sophomore.)
I'm in the third year. (I'm a junior.)
I'm a senior.
I'm a graduate student in the Master course.
I'm a grduate student working on my Ph.D.
Guidelines | Examples
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Sheet /Basics /Basics2 /Checklist
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(C) Hideto 1998